

This show has so many fun lines, I had to compile my favorites. It should go without saying, but spoilers ahead! Episodes in order of air date, except for a couple near the end which have been put back in their chronologically most likely order (as the show was aired out-of-order toward the end). (Page under construction!)
- The First Face-Off: Part One
- The First Face-Off: Part Two
- A Traitor Among Us
- Zap Attack
- Phil In The Blank
- Power Play
- Dungeons And Ducks
Take Me To Your Leader -
The Human Factor -
Beak To The Future -
Microducks -
Beaks Vs. B.R.A.W.N. -
Jurassic Puck
The Return of Dr. Droid -
Mondo-Man -
Puck Fiction -
Monster Rally -
Buzz Blitzman, Mighty Duck! -
Bringing Down Baby -
Mad Quacks Beyond Hockeydome -
The Iced Ducks Cometh -
The Most Dangerous Duck Hunt -
Duck Hard -
The Return of Asteroth -
To Catch A Duck - The Final Face Off
The First Face-Off: Part One
- "Wake up and smell yourself, man!" —Nosedive, to Wildwing after Wildwing shrugged off the tales of Drake DuCaine as mere legend
- "So I said, 'Insurance? Who needs it?'" —Unknown Puckworlder, seconds before the Saurian invasion begins
- "I hate machines!" —Mallory's introduction
- "This food belongs to the people! Not that tyrant, Dragaunus!" —Duke's introduction
- "Scratch one over-size toaster oven!" —Tanya's introduction
- "Pain is an illusion. An illusion that really, really hurts!" —Grin's introduction
- "I think I just got the short end of the hockey stick!" —Nosedive, frustrated at being left behind by the others
- "Yeah, I saw this place on the cover of Better Homes and Super Villains." —Duke, upon seeing the Saurian master computer
- "Did I mention I'm half chicken?" —Wildwing, to Canard upon learning he's to be the bait for their mission
- "Dragaunus' command center must have guards up the kazoo! ...Aw man I hate being right." —Wildwing, approaching Dragaunus' command chamber
- "Sayonara, cyborg! Adios, android! See ya later, percolator!" —Wildwing, dispatching Dragaunus' guard robots
- "I told you to throw the switch, not press the button!"
"Switch, button, what's the diff?"
"About nine minutes of escape time!!"—Tanya & Mallory, fleeing from the exploding Saurian master computer - "Yeeehaha! Nosedive to the rescuuue!!" —Nosedive, saving the day
- "Take it, Wildwing. You're team captain now." —Canard's last words as he passes the Mask to Wildwing
- "Punch it, Nosedive!" —Wildwing, as Nosedive pilots the Aerowing after the fleeing Saurian ship
- "Argh! Where's the Raptor!"
"More to the point... where are we?"—Mallory & Wildwing, upon arriving on Earth[back to top]
The First Face-Off: Part Two
- "Welcome to Ana-heem, home of the Mighty Frogs?" —Duke, reading a billboard (and mispronouncing "Anaheim")
- "Kinda looks like Puckworld."
"Yeah, with better weather!"—Wildwing & Mallory, about Anaheim - "Wiener World. Hey, you suppose that's the name of this place?" —Wildwing, coming across the fast food location
- "You'd think the guy had never seen a duck before." —Duke, after accidentally scaring the wits out of some poor human
- "Alien, talking ducks?? Cool!!" —Mookie, upon meeting the Ducks
- "You guys into hockey? Then follow me, my feathered dudes and dudettes!" —Thrash, overhearing the Ducks talk about hockey
- "The Anaheim Pond! Best hockey rink in the world. ...Also the emptiest." —Thrash, introducing the Ducks to The Pond
- "AAAAUGH!! Don't do that! The amusement park's across the freeway, fellas." —Phil, upon first meeting the Ducks
- "Bad little boys—grah!—shouldn't play with sticks!" —Duke, fighting with one of the the Destroyers goons
- "With hockey, all things are possible." —Grin, as he checks three of the Destroyers at once
- "I had to hire a team of Ducks! Next time, wombats. They're easier to train." —Phil, in exasperation as the Ducks head off in the middle of the night to hunt the Saurians
- "By the way, Mr. Spock called; he wants his phaser back!!" —Klegghorn, in exasperation with Phil's tale about the Ducks
- "If we don't fight evil wherever we find it, we're no better than Dragaunus himself." —Duke, starting the Ducks on the path of crime-fighting vigilantism
- "That's where trash like you belongs." —Wildwing, closing the dumpster they'd just dumped some criminals into
- "Guess again, nin-jerks!" —Nosedive, to the bank-robbing ninjas
- "No freak is gonna beat me!"
"Freak?? Not exactly. Hiiiyah! ...I like to think of myself as 'daringly different'."—bank-robbing ninja & Mallory - "Listen up bad boys! There's a new sheriff in town and he's wearin' feathers!" —Nosedive, to the bank-robbing ninjas
- "You lead a very rich fantasy life, Phil." —Duke, after Phil suggests public tours of the Ducks' headquarters
- "I wouldn't give a used puck bag for our chances of finding [Dragaunus]." —Wildwing
- "That does it! These toastoids are off our Christmas card list!" —Nosedive, about the Saurians
- "Deal with it, Duck boy!" —Dragaunus, while telling Wildwing he'd never see Canard again
- "The smallest pebble may divert the mightiest river." —Grin, before destroying the Balerium crystals powering the Raptor
- "Oh, man! Somebody gimme a donut; does she always have to blow somethin' up?" —Nosedive, with a phrase that to this day I don't understand
- "We'll find 'em again. Because now, we have a leader." —Duke to Wildwing, now that Wildwing has donned the Mask
- "One day soon I'll pick my teeth with the wishbones of those meddling mallards. Oh-ho-hoh, watch me." —Dragaunus[back to top]
A Traitor Among Us
- "Oh Chameleon, why did we have to hide the Raptor in this gloomy neighborhood?" —Wraith in regards to the lovely human neighborhood they're currently stranded in
- "You lousy lizards! I'll find you with my mask even if it takes me 'til next Wednesday!" —Chameleon, as Wildwing
- "I've gotta hurry! I wanna do a little browsing at 'Lectric Land and it's only open another six hours!" —Tanya, to herself while leaving the Pond
- "I think we all know you're the resident hot dog of this team!"
"And you're the resident former jewel thief of this team!"
"Hey if you don't know the difference between a diamond tiara and a puck, I'd be happy to show you."—Duke & Nosedive, bickering about their latest game and Duke busting out with a threat that I still don't fully understand - "She's a... duuu[ck]." —Nosedive, as his brain liquifies at the sight of Lucretia DeCoy
- "The Mask will show us what she's really made of." —Wildwing, as he proceeds to just x-ray Lucretia with the Mask like it's no big thing
- "Hey Duke, why don't you fly south!" —Nosedive as he rather violently bodyslams Duke out of his way (to get to Lucretia)
- "Just max and relax with Nosedive, girly-girl, your main mallard o' love!"
"I may. throw up."—Nosedive and Mallory, as Nosedive shamelessly flirts with 'Vonda' - "You want them to pose for your candy ad in a vat of chocolate?? I'll talk to 'em, I'll take care of it, don't worry about it." —Phil, on his phone, being horrible as usual
- "Uh, Vonda, this is Phil Palmfeather, our manager. Just ignore him." —Duke, as Phil immediately starts scheming at the site of Vonda
- "She's gorgeous! And I'm not even a Duck!" —Phil, being honestly just ew-y about Vonda
- "Oh, allow me, angel!" —Duke, attempting to help Vonda to her feet before being shoved by Nosedive, which spawns a full-on fistfight between the two
- "You two are really making a spectacle of yourselves."
"Geeet used to it! We pretty much carry on like this 'til the end of the show!"—Mallory and Nosedive, while the latter struggles on the floor with Duke - "Hey! I got lucky on the first try!"
"Fancy that."—Vonda & Mallory, with the latter very clearly untrusting of the former - "Ducks rock! ...DUCK! ROCK!!" —Nosedive as an avalanche heads toward the team
- "Just leave the hero stuff to us hip, young, happenin' Ducks, okay?"
"Hey I'll have you know I'm in my PRIME!"
"Yeah RIGHT! Well my demographics skew a lot younger than yours, brudda!"—Nosedive and Duke, fighting for Vonda's attention. Again. - "That which does not bend, must break!" —Grin, right before collapsing an entire cliff-front just by pushing on it
- "Forget him! You can call on Nosedive, your numero uno lovey Duckey~" —Nosedive, being the most god-awful flirt ever
- "Okay! Banana, some swiss cheese, a little cayenne pepper..." —Nosedive, making the world's scariest smoothie for Vonda
- "That does it! You know what, I'm sick of being one-upped by you, Duke! I don't have to take this!"
"Really. Look at your contract lately? Just check out the 'loser clause.'"
"...Okay, 'in the event of conflict with Duke over the affections of a beautiful female... I agree to lose.' I gotta get a new agent."—Nosedive and Duke, wherein Nosedive actually pulls out his full contract to check it - "Tanya?? What are you doing up here?"
"Light housekeeping. Whaddya think."—Phil & Tanya, as Phil sets Tanya free from where Lucretia had left her tied up - "Does this mean our date's off? Oof!" —Nosedive, right after Lucretia traps the team and Mallory smacks him for the question
- "You know? I'm beginnin' to find that lady... somewhat less attractive." —Duke, as Lucretia leaves the team for dead
- "Hurry Tanya! We're gonna drown!"
"Pffha, don't be ridiculous, Ducks can't—RIGHT, I'm hurrying, I'm hurrying!"—Mallory & Tanya, as Tanya comes to the rescue - "Ooh I hope this isn't going to become another one of my past lives." —Grin, as Mallory suggests they all (Ducks & Saurians) die together
- "I'd say we've done enough damage for one day." —Tanya, as the arms factory they were just in blows sky-high
- "Eh, the good lookin' ones are always trouble."
"Now there's a message you don't get on your average cartoon show!"—Duke & Nosedive, apparently bonding over being duped by Lucretia - "Mallory's a BABE!!"
"Ooh Mal-Mal, you have been hiding your light under a hockey uniform!"—Duke & Nosedive, upon Mallory coming out of her room in a dress and heels[back to top]
Zap Attack
- "News? Snooze, man, yawn-a-palooza, baby!" —Nosedive, as the news comes on the tv
- "Let's rock, Ducks!" —Wildwing, in a not-very-believable delivery
- "How are you going to get it to the Ducks?"
"Simple! They're in the book, aren't they?"—Siege & Dragaunus, as the latter sends the energy creature to the Ducks HQ - "Press 2 if you're being menaced by a power-crazed megalomaniac bent on world conquest!" —The Ducks' automated hotline
- "Ooh, that's power steering." —Grin, climbing out of the crashed Migrator
- "Whoa! The whole city's gonna be in a state of shock!" —Nosedive, as the energy creature multiplies out of control
- "Wait! How are we gonna handle all these killer kilowatts, man?" —Nosedive, about the masses of energy creatures running rampant
- "Beautiful job! Everybody's safe."
"Yeah. EXCEPT US!!"—Duke & Nosedive, now trapped on the train being taken over by an energy creature - "Ah, that did it."
"...Uh Duke? NO IT DIDN'T!!"—Duke & Nosedive, realizing they're still in danger of derailment - "That does it. My inner peace has been disturbed enough for one day." —Grin, losing patience with Dr. Huggerman's defenses
- "While the Ducks run amok, time for the real power play!" —Wraith, sabotaging the soon-to-launch defense satellite
- "We're getting our tailfeathers kicked!" —Mallory, regarding the energy creatures
- "Fellow Ducks, I'm gonna arm us to the beaks!" —Nosedive, before directing the team to Captain Comics to buy water guns
- "If you do not find enlightenment and help your fellow man, I'm going to rearrange your face!" —Grin, further losing patience with Dr. Huggerman
- "But we're running low on—ammo!"
"Relax, we've got plenty of H2—uh-oh."—Mallory & Nosedive, as they realize they're out of water - "Those little zapheads have us by the pinfeathers!!" —Nosedive, starting to panic
- "Terrific! Now we have a turbo-charged King Kong on our hands!" —Nosedive, reacting to the giant energy creature
- "Giant energy monsters, killer satellites—why is all this stuff happening at once?"
"Smells like sweeps week!"—Tanya & Nosedive, astonished at so many plot points at once - "Hey, can we interest you guys in a subscription to Better Ponds & Duck Blinds? Juuuust kidding! Gotta save the world, ya know." —Nosedive, breaking into the control room for the defense sattelite
- "But Dr. Huggerman, if we've restored your faith in humanity, why are you turning away?"
"What faith in humanity? You've restored my faith in Ducks!"—Wildwing & Dr. Huggerman, as the latter turns to leave again[back to top]
Phil In The Blank
- "I'm sensing hostility here. Why don't you reach inside and get in touch with your true feelings, man?"
"I'll reach inside and get in touch with your spleen if you don't start getting me results!"—Chameleon (as a hippie) & Dragaunus - "Something terminal must happen to those miserable mallards. No doubt they're plotting against me even as we speak!" —Dragaunus, as we cut to... the Ducks practicing hockey
- "Who else is gonna get your ice cream endorsed by six alien ducks, huh? I'm the man! So what flavor do you want 'em to shill? Ja-mocha Almond Duck? They'll love it!" —Phil, on the phone, being himself
- "Aaah! You nearly scared me... half... to death..."
"Only half? Pity."—Phil & Wraith, as the Saurian scares the living daylights out of the human - "Remember nothing. Remember nothing. What was I supposed to remember? Oh yeah. Remember nothing." —Phil, having just been hypnotized
- "Creamed by my own team? I'll sue myself for damages!!" —Phil, believing he's just been knocked out by a stray hockey puck
- "Only a complete idiot would do something like that."
"Whoa-ho ho-ho! This is gnarly!!"
"See what I mean?"—Mallory & Nosedive as Nosedive is having way too much fun preparing to hang glide in a snowstorm - "Oh mama, that has gotta hurt, huh?"
"Pain is an illusion. An illusion that really, really hurts!!"—Duke & Grin, following Grin having punched a giant snowball to pieces before it could hit them - "This. is gonna leave a bruise." —Nosedive, right before falling a fair distance down the mountain
- "Dive!! Dive, are you okay??"
"...Mommy I dun wanna go to preschool..."—Wildwing & Nosedive, as Nosedive is pulled from his impact crater in the snow - "Some school. The cafeteria's got a full bar."
"Yeah and the teacher's got a tattoo."—Duke & Mallory, upon entering Sid's Diner, which was supposed to be a school - "You guys are really starting to disrupt my inner tranquility." —Grin, coming to the rescue to take out a bunch of Saurian drones
- "Shine it, girlfriend! We can handle it. We gotta get over to the launchpad muy pronteola!" —Dive, using his best 90's slang
- "It's just an autograph signing at a fireworks factory. What could possibly go wrong?" —Phil, trying to convince the Ducks to go to another publicity stunt
- "Phil may be kinda... un-evolved, but he's not evil."
"RARGH! DESTROY THE DUCKS! DESTROY THE DUCKS!"—Grin & Phil, as the latter starts trashing the interior of the Aerowing with a fireaxe - "I'm gonna make shoes outta those two-bit lizards!" —Phil, ready to get revenge for being mind-controlled
- "You featherbrains are never getting in here!" —Chameleon, right before they, uh, get in there
- "Oh-ho-ho! Beautiful, Phil! You took on the Chameleon!"
"Yeah! I did, didn't I?"—Duke & Phil, before Phil promptly faints - "Can he really fly that thing?"
"Relax, goomba! There's nothin' you can't tell a Duck about flyin'!"—human guy (Jeff Bennett) to Duke (Jeff Bennett), right before Wildwing clips a radio tower with the prototype jet he's borrowing - "Well, the good news is, Dragaunus is no longer controlling the rocket."
"And the bad news?"
"NOBODY'S CONTROLLING THE ROCKET!!"—Tanya & Nosedive, as Tanya disconnects the remote control device from the rocket - "Aw, Tanya, I told you to bring the parachutes!"
"No! Nuh-uh!"
"Oh well next time I'll send a memo!!"—Nosedive & Tanya, peering out of the rocket to the Earth far, far below - "Oh I know! Let's jump! And hope we hit a pillow factory or some salt water!"
"What're you, nuts??"
"You know it! DUCKS ROOOCK!!"—Nosedive & Tanya, as Nosedive pulls Tanya out of the rocket into free fall - "Hello?"
"Roast duck!"
"That doesn't work anymore."
"I know! I'm ordering take-out."—Phil & Wraith, as Phil answers the phone one last time (also suggesting the Saurians have been surviving on take-out, I guess?)[back to top]
Power Play
- "Well, the Duck fans are arriving early for tonight's game and it's easy to guess why! That's right, it's his and her mouthguard giveaway night at the Pond!" —The Pond announcer at the opening of the show
- "No one who plays the noble sport of hockey can be all bad." —Grin, referring to Stanley Strazinski
- "I was an angry young duck from a hard-boiled egg." —Grin, recounting his childhood goonery
- "So, young icehopper, what is the sound of one team playing?" —Tai Quack Do, quizzing the young Grin
- "Oy! This kid's as sharp as a sack of doorknobs! Meshuga! There ain't no sound! How can there be a game with only one team? You gotta have two! Two goalies, two centers, also refs, and the guy who hogs the popcorn." —Tai Quack Do, suddenly speaking in a heavy Yiddish accent, after Grin fails to answer his previous question
- "Hey, you're not the coach. The coach ain't no lizard!" —Stanley, upon seeing Lord Dragaunus for the first time
- "How would you like to annihilate the so-called Mighty Ducks?"
"I'unno. But I'd sure like to clobber 'em!"—Dragaunus & Stanley, as Dragaunus prepares to 'upgrade' Stanley - "He picks me up! He shoots! He scores! Oof!" —The Pond announcer, getting, well, clobbered by Stanley
- "What the feathers happened to Stanley??" —Wildwing, upon seeing the new, 'improved' Stanley Strazinski
- "Oof! That's the first time the boards ever checked me." —Wildwing, being helped up by Grin after Stanley throws a piece of the rink wall at him
- "Okay, Ducks! Let's put him on ice." —Wildwing, in response to Stanley putting Grin through the boards (also doesn't that phrase normally mean to kill someone? Wing? H-Hello?)
- "Get a grip on your synapses, bud!" —Nosedive, in response to more of Grin's insistence that Stanley is good inside
- "Hey Grin, thanks for the wedgie!!" —Nosedive, being second to last on the chain o'Ducks hanging from the Pond roof after Stanley knocks them off
- "Now, icehopper, your training is complete. Carry the true hockey way to those who skate against you. And, get a good meal now and then! A nice piece of fruit, maybe a bagel, maybe a schmear of cream cheese..." —Tai Quack Do, once again slipping into Yiddish at the end
- "Very well. You seek enlightenment the hard way." —Grin, after Stanley insists on fighting him
- "I could never hurt a fellow hockey player. ...Oops." —Grin, as he drops Stanley face-first into the ice
- "You think that thing has inner good, Grinster?"
"How can you be sure?"
"It doesn't play hockey."—Nosedive and Grin, in regards to Dragaunus' new energy monster - "Hockey works in mysterious ways." —Grin, upon the reveal that Stanley is now a referee[back to top]
Dungeons and Ducks
- "These freeloading fowls who are enjoying the hospitality of our fair planet are nothing but a bunch of cowards! And if the yellow-bellied Ducks actually show up for tomorrow's game against the Minnesota Cheeselogs, I'll eat an old boot!" —Carl Snit, of The Snitfit, making some pretty wild accusations at the opening of the episode
- "I am so hurt! That does it man, this jerk does not get to be charter member of our fanclub. Forget it, buddy!" —Nosedive, in response to said accusations
- "Hahahaha! Now, Ducks, I've got you by the tailfeathers!" —Dragaunus, preparing to catch the Ducks off-guard with his gateway generator
- "I'll get you, my pretty, and your little ducks, too!" —Chameleon, as he and Siege flee the new dimensional gateway
- "I love to play Twister but this is ridiculous!!" —Nosedive, as he and the Ducks attempt to avoid the gateway pulling them in
- "Someone's pulling our tail!" —Mallory, at the sight of the former drugstore, now advertising "spells and potions"
- "Man, do I ever get the feeling that we are not in Kansas anymore." —Nosedive, making, like, the third reference to The Wizard of Oz
- "Uh... pardon me, but uh, wh-what are you?" —Wildwing, in possibly the most awkward 'hello' ever
- "Yep, Dragon Flakes contain maggots, warm larvae, riboflavin, and niacin for healthy bones!" —commercial announcer in a crystal ball the team happen to spot in a window
- "A dimension that's ruled by magic! Sorcery, adventure—hohohoh, yeah, this is my kinda town, baby!" —Duke, being way too excited at the prospect of being stranded in yet another universe
- "Hey you big weirdo! Quit pickin' on that little weirdo!" —Nosedive, as they spot Borg being attacked by a flying monster
- "Hey, take it easy! You could put someone's eye out with that thing! I should know." —Duke, regarding Borg's flying sword, and apparently revealing how he lost his eye
- "We are friends to anyone who struggles for a good cause! ...I've always wanted to say that." —Duke, trying to be badass and coming off as more of a dork, really
- "Where the heck are the others? You've got a game tonight!"
"They're in another dimension."
"Oh, thank heavens, for a moment, I—WHAT??"—Phil & Grin, as Grin explains what happened to the team - "Now, how do you use this jumbo laptop?"
"Beats me."
"Ehh, don't tempt me."—Phil & Grin, as Phil attempts to use Drake One - "All right! Let's pump some high technology, you puny girly lizard!" —Chameleon, in his best Schwarzenegger impression, much to Siege's chagrin
- "This stupid thing! I think I just spun out on the information super highway." —Phil, as he struggles with Drake One
- "I'm guessin' Asteroth has a few skeletons in his closet, huh?" —Duke, in the first of many bone puns
- "Yeah! Every government building should have its own Maze of Infinite Peril!"
"Yeah, probably used to be the DMV."—Nosedive & Tanya, as the team takes on the final challenge to reach Asteroth - "Forgive me, my friends; my magic isn't powerful enough to get us through the maze."
"Mine is!"—Borg & Wildwing, as the team finds themselves lost on their way to Asteroth - "Uh guys, we may have to change the name of the team."
"To what?"
"TOAST!!"—Tanya & Mallory, as Asteroth turns into The Red Dragon - "How about a little fire, Duck?" —Asteroth, in another Wizard of Oz reference that I'm only just now catching almost 30 years later
- "Hey, hey! What's the one thing a fire-breathing dragon would fear?"
"The fire marshal?"
"Uh, S-Smokey the Bear?"
"His ex-wife and her lawyer?"
"Those are all very good but NO. Water!"—Duke, Mallory, Tanya and Nosedive, coming up with a plan of attack - "What a world! What a world!" —Asteroth, in another Wizard of Oz reference, after having been soundly defeated
- "You must all touch the amulet, and speak the incantation, which—"
"Don't tell me, 'There's no place like home.'"—Borg and Nosedive, as Borg helps the team return to Earth—and in yet another Wizard of Oz reference - "The Ducks are back!"
"And this time, it's personal. Aw, I always wanted to say that!"—Siege & Nosedive, as the Ducks return to kick lizard butt - "Enjoy the filet of sole, buddy." —Nosedive to Carl Snit as the team makes it to their game just in time[back to top]
The Final Face-Off
- "In the words of the great hockey master, Tae Quack Do, 'Quit whinin' and start practicing already!'" —Grin, to Nosedive after the latter misses a final goal
- "Hi, this is the Chameleon. I'm no longer reachable at this number, so GO SUCK A LEMON!" —Chameleon to Dragaunus, in a rare show of backbone
- "It's quiet out there. Too quiet! Hahaha, I always wanted to say that." —Tanya, scanning for the Saurians on Drake One
- "If a lizard so much as sneezes I wanna know about it."
[Drake One alerts loudly]
"Whoa! Sounds like somebody's got hayfever!"—Wildwing & Nosedive - "Right on! We got ourselves an E-Ticket Ride! ...ON THE TITANIC!!" —Nosedive, as the team 'hitches a ride' on Siege's teleporter
- "The Mask only works on Ducks. You think Drake DuCaine would let it fall into the wrong hands?" —Wildwing, after Dragaunus is nastily zapped while trying on said Mask
- "Why on Earth would Dragaunus want to super-charge the gateway generator?"
"'Cause he's a big goofy lizard who likes doin' evil stuff?"—Tanya & Nosedive, observing Wraith working on the Raptor - "You sleazebucket!!" —Wildwing, as Siege abandons him
- "No matter what it takes." —Wildwing, encouraging the weakened Prince Valara
- "Captured three times in one episode. That's gotta be a record." —Wildwing, in a rare (for him) fourth-wall break
- "As punishment for your frightful naughtiness, We sentence you to become Duck Flambe, with a delightful lava sauce. Oh-hoh, you nasty bird!" —Chameleon, impersonating the late Queen Elizabeth II for some reason
- "Terrific. I'm gonna be done in by the world's biggest lava lamp." —Wildwing, as lava flows toward him
- "One day, I'm gonna tie a knot in your tail, you little creep." —Siege to Chameleon, after Chameleon has just taken credit for Siege's work
- "Hey, let me tell ya something a very wise bird once told me. You can do it, feathered friend, no matter what it takes." —Prince Valara (sounding rather like Elvis) in his parting words to Wildwing
- "What would the Ducks be doing in a dance studio?"
"I dunno, learning the lambada?"—Klegghorn & Phil, upon seeing the "building" the Ducks' signals are coming from - "Holy crullers!!" —Klegghorn, when the Raptor decloaks before his very eyes
- "Your evil is doomed."
"Yeah, you'll get your tails kicked, just like on Puckworld!"
"Even if you destroy us, others will join the battle!"—Grin, Nosedive & Mallory, as the Saurians prepare to cook the seemingly defeated Ducks for dinner - "I told you I do my fighting with a pen!" —Phil to Klegghorn, as the latter pins down the Saurian thugs with laser blasts
- "I gotta destroy that gateway generator, NOW!"
"Yeah but that thing's our only ticket home to Puckworld!"
"We'll be stuck here forever!"
"I've gotta do it! I promised a friend I'd stop those lizards, no matter what it takes!"—Wildwing, Duke, & Mallory, right before Wildwing blasts the Raptor right out of the sky - "Think we'll hear from those creeps again?"
"That depends! Have we been renewed for another season?"—Klegghorn and Nosedive, in the saddest exchange in the entire series - "You can do it, Dive!"
"No matter what it takes, buddy!"—Wildwing & Nosedive, right before the latter scores the winning goal of the Western Conference Championship[back to top]